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9000 metre swim in a lake? No problem!

The Big Bala Swim is legendary amongst the Open Water Swim fraternity. It takes place in Snowdonia, North Wales in Wales's largest natural lake and is surrounded by the Aran, Arenig and Berwyn mountain ranges, making it both a dramatic and beautiful location.

Our own Performance swimmer and long distance and Open Water specialist, Gemma Owen, took part this year in the most gruelling of the three different distances available, the formidable 9K swim! There were 1.5KM, 4.5KM and 9KM distances available and Gemma took on the big one.

Gemma swam a great race and came 2nd overall! She was the first female to cross the finish line as well!! Fantastic swimming Gemma and well done from everyone at ECSC. Open Water season is now well under way.

Here is Gemma next to the lake proudly wearing her medal.

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