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Swim England National Awards Silver!

We are very pleased to announce that our dedicated and hard working volunteer, Martin Walters, who deservedly won the Swim England South West Volunteer of the Year Award back in September, has now gone on to win Silver at the Swim England National Awards!

The awards ceremony was held on Saturday 30th November at the University of Birmingham and Martin was on a shortlist of 8 regional winners who had the opportunity to win an award. There were a number of categories, with Martin in the Volunteer of the Year category. Awards were given to those in the top three. Martin came in an amazing second place to win the Silver Award! An outstanding achievement, but one that is so deserved for everything that Martin does for our club, as well as towards Devon ASA and swimming in general.

Club Chair, Dean Drury said, "Martin has been a dedicated member of our committee for over 10 years now and his knowledge of the club and swimming in general has been crucial to the running of the club and he has provided me with brilliant support in my role as Chair of the club. The amount of time that Martin provides to the club does not go unnoticed and is quite frankly exceptional, especially now that his son has moved on to attend University and no longer regularly swims with Exeter City Swimming Club. Martin is a truly deserving winner of this prestigious award and I am so pleased that he has been quite rightly recognised for what he does for swimming".

Martin said about the awards ceremony, "It was a really fantastic day and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a lovely venue and all the nominees were really well looked after. I was able to attend with my wife Sue and we were able to enjoy a lovely weekend in Birmingham, taking in some of the Christmas Markets and Christmas shopping whilst we were there. I am very proud to have achieved this award".

Here is the full roll of honour from the Swim England National Awards.

Pictured below - (L) Dean Drury and (R) Martin Walters

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